It was about 6 in the evening of February 4, 2012 when I got a call from my classmate Jess. After I greeted her with a hello she hurriedly blurted out "Shie nanganak na daw si Momi Jen"! Upon hearing the news, the feelings of warmth and excitement hurdled in my system and both enclosed my entire being. It was the day that Sikma has long been waiting for -the day that a
new life blossomed. With so much enthusiasm, we immediately scheduled our visit to the cutie-little girl. However, it was only today that I was able to finally took glimpse of our first ever Sikma angel. But seeing her was not an easy undertaking. We've been into some trouble getting inside Vicente Sotto hospital since we were not aware of the hospital policies regarding visiting arrangements. Nevertheless, with some might and fight -not caring if we would look like thieves as we take into the proper timing ensuring that Manong Guard wasn't looking in our direction, we we're able to finally meet her.
I can say that Sikma was on Jenny's (Mae's mom) side all throughout her journey of carrying a new life in her womb. We are all too excited, with questions in mind like -Is it a Boy or a Girl, How does he/she looks like? Will he/she get more features from her mom or from her dad? How is he/she going to call us, will it be tito and tita, auntie and uncle, ate and kuya, sikmayow and sikmahey? Well, the first was already answered. The baby is a SHE and that's unquestionable. However, the second question is still debatable since we still ague among ourselves as to whom the baby resembles more. And as for the third query, well, we still have to settle that issue!
Nonetheless, Sikma is so happy with the new bundle of joy! Rainejane Mae
--xoxo tita/auntie/ate shie :))